Civil Fire Terms, Conditions & Exclusions

Civil Fire is licensed to carry out all electrical, water plumbing, carpentry and fire door work.

Civil Fire has current $20 million public liability insurance, $10 million of professional indemnity issuance as well as current workers compensation insurance.

Civil Fire has WHS policies for its employees and is JAS ANZ AS4801 and Trades Monitor accredited.

Civil Fire is a member of Strata Communities Australia.

Civil Fire is a member of the Fire Protection Association of Australia.


  • This quote is valid for thirty (30) days from date of quote.
  • Civil Fire has thirty day (30) day payment terms (unless otherwise stated)
  • All prices exclude GST (unless stated).
  • Prices are based on the acceptance of this quote in its entirety, and on the basis of all work being carried out in one period unless otherwise agreed upon by Civil Fire. Additional costs will apply to partially accepted quotes, or to individual work orders which are not for the approval of the entire quote.
  • Prices provided on the assumption that all work is completed during business hours (700am – 330pm Monday – Friday) unless otherwise stated.
  • All invoices will be issued C/- Building or Strata Management for all servicing, repair & installation works. Civil Fire will not invoice residents or owners directly.
  • Invoices for repairs will be issued upon completion of repairs.
  • Invoices for servicing will be raised in advance.
  • For large projects, or where work is completed outside of an existing contract, payment may be required before commencing work.
  • Civil Fire does not allow retentions to be held.
  • Quote for servicing do not include parts used during servicing, or repairs completed at time of inspection. These will be invoiced separately.
  • By accepting Civil Fire’s service quote, you are authorising Civil Fire to carry out required essential repairs to a maximum value of $750 + GST at the time of the inspection.
  • The annual service fee is subject to an annual increase of either 3.5% or CPI (all groups) whichever is greater.
  • Certification can be provided on request at completion of works and after payment is received in full.

Schedule of Rates

  • Civil Fire reserves the right to review and change these rates from time to time.

  • Travel time (1hr) is charged in accordance with the schedule of rates listed below.

Access Arrangements

Type Rate
Business hours (Mon-Fri 700am-330pm)
$110/hr (min. 2 hrs)
Business Hours Specialist Technician (FIP Techs etc)
$130/hr (min. 4 hrs)
Interface testing with other trades (business hours)
$130/hr (min. 2 hrs)
After Hours & Public Holiday
$140/hr (min 4 hrs)
Meeting & consultancy fees
  • Access to building and to individual units is to be arranged by the building, or the Strata Management.
  • Minimum 48hrs notice required to reschedule inspections or repairs.
  • Access will be required to all areas required at time of work or additional charges may apply.
  • Civil Fire provides a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice for annual inspections to strata/building management.
  • Civil Fire does not provide prior notice for monthly & six-monthly inspections, unless specific alternative arrangements are in place.
  • A reinspection will be required if access to all areas cannot be gained, or if certification for repairs by others cannot be provided.
  • A minimum reinspection fee of $250 + GST will apply where access is not available.
  • Access will be required to all areas required at time of work or additional charges may apply.
  • If access is not achieved on the day of a scheduled repair, the repair will be requoted and a no access fee of $100 + GST will be charged for each unit in line with our quote conditions.


  • Civil Fire provides a full 12 months warranty on all new equipment (except batteries) supplied and installed by Civil Fire.
  • Warranty for new doors installed by Civil Fire is void if the doors are not painted within 30 days of installation.

After Hours Call Outs​

Civil Fire provides an emergency after hour service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This service is reserved for emergencies only, and should not be used for flat batteries in smoke alarms, and appointment requests.

Civil Fire may be requested by the Fire & Rescue NSW to attend your premises after hours.

To allow for after-hours access, please either;

a) Provide a 24-hour access key/code/swipe/fob to Civil Fire.

b) Issue Civil Fire with a list of authorised contacts which to call to enable supervised after hour’s access (the contact person must be able to attend within one hour).

c) Issue Civil Fire with your Security Company’s details (Security Company must be able to attend within one hour).

Alternatively, you may advise us in writing not to attend after hours/weekend calls as requested by the NSW Fire Brigade until the next morning of normal business hours. For option is not recommended or endorsed by Civil Fire. If you do not advise us in writing of the option selected, we will action all requests to attend site after hours and our charges will apply.

After hours call outs are charged in accordance with the schedule of rates listed above.


  • All buildings are inspected in accordance with our Service Agreement for that building.
  • Inspections by Civil Fire & subsequent report do not constitute a BCA compliance audit.
  • The purpose of the inspections to ensure the fire safety measures are capable of performing to the standard to which they were installed and the standard to that was accepted by the PCA.

Repairs/Servicing by Others

  • If other trades or services undertake servicing or repairs, it will be the buildings responsibility to ensure that those persons are considered to be competent fire safety practitioners and that a statement is provided in writing to this effect in compliance with clause 167A of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation. The competent fire safety practitioner should then provide certification to Civil Fire.
  • This quote does not include project management of other trades or services required to provide statements.

Fire Door Repairs/Installations

  • Any new keys to be supplied for unit doors will be given to the tenants on installation. A maximum of 2 keys supplied per lockset unless otherwise agreed by Civil Fire.
  • Unless otherwise stated, painting of new fire doors & frames is not included in Civil Fire’s quote.
  • Unless otherwise states, this quote excludes fitting of mouldings decorative elements to new fire doors.
  • Threshold – if the floor is not level, we may be unable to achieve a 10mm bottom gap.
  • If new doors or frames are being installed no responsibility will be taken for damage to floor coverings around door & frame area. New frames may be a different size and shape to the existing frames and exposed, uncovered patches may be left on the walls and floor.
  • This quote excludes fire resistance levels (FRLs) of walls, transom and thresholds when replacing doors and frames.
  • Some superficial damage (chipping, marking, and scratching) may occur during door repairs & replacements.

Electrical Repairs/Installations

  • This quote excludes connection to, or work on cotton, un-earthed or other unsafe cabling. Works may not be able to proceed if the existing cabling is found to be unsafe.
  • Civil Fire excludes chasing cables. Surface mounted conduit will be used to run cables. If chasing is required, Civil Fire can provide a revised quote.

Smoke Alarm Installations

Price is based on the provision of a non-switched active at the nearest light fitting. The location of the nearest non switched active can only be confirmed by the licenced electrician at the time of repair.

  • If there is no non-switched active at the nearest light fitting, an extensive conduit run may be required (e.g., power may need to be sourced from an adjacent room).
  • An additional fee of $200 + GST per smoke alarm will be applicable in these cases.
  • Extended conduit runs can be visually intrusive and undesirable. Owner’s wishing to explore other options (such as chasing) can discuss these with the electrician whilst they are on site for the installation. Civil Fire will charge a $75 + GST fee to account for our time onsite, and will issue a revised quote.

Termination of Services

  • Unless notified otherwise within one (1) month of the contract end date, Civil Fire is authorised to perform another twelve (12) months service.
  • A final invoice may be issued where Civil Fire has rendered services (prior to termination) they have not been remunerated for.

Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS)

  • Civil Fire takes no responsibility for fines resulting from late submission of the AFSS or FFSC, for any reason.
  • Civil Fire does not submit the AFSS to council & FRNSW and any associated costs.
  • Civil Fire is not responsible for any lodgement fee.

Baseline Data

Under the requirements of AS1851 – 2012 all Baseline Data for the buildings essential fire safety measures is to be provided. However, unless we require specific information for the provision of our services then the absence of baseline data is not a building defect and therefore will not prevent the AFSS being issued.

For more information on Baseline Data see AS1851 – 2012 clause 1.8 and Appendix C.

Work Health & Safety

  • Our employees are required to wear steel capped boots. Drop sheets cannot be used in all circumstances. This quote does not include carpet cleaning.
  • Civil Fire will stop work if concerns about asbestos are raised when undertaking repairs. A sample will be taken for NATA laboratory testing – if the results come back positive for asbestos, the repair will be requoted. Please provide asbestos registers for buildings when they are available.
  • Civil Fire has height access equipment capable of reaching 14ft (4.2m) on a flat site. If specialist lifting equipment is required, Civil Fire reserve the right to include price of hire in repair in addition to quote.
  • All site-specific inductions will be billed to the customer in accordance with the schedule of fees above.

General Conditions

  • Equipment to be replaced or installed will be chosen by Civil Fire. New equipment may not match existing. Should you require a specific colour, style, type or brand of item this is to be specified and a new quote will be provided.
  • Any items that are removed during repair (such as light fittings, door knockers, locks, etc) will be disposed of, unless arrangements have been made.
  • Civil Fire takes no responsibility for security of areas while works are being carried out.
  • If Home Warranty Insurance is required a separate quote will be supplied, upon acceptance of the works.
  • Certification can be provided on request at completion of all works and receipt of payment in full.
  • Asset lists are indicative only and may not be absolutely accurate. We endeavour to update assets lists to reflect changes in the building as they occur, however this is not always possible – the asset list should be used as a guide only.


Civil Fire’s quotes exclude:
  • All patching & painting..
  • Repair of superficial damage. Some marking, chipping and/or scratching may occur to surrounds. Particularly with electrical installation & repairs to, and installation of fire doors, where damage is often unavoidable.
  • Damage to, and warranty of concealed services such as plumbing, data or electrical wiring.
  • Regulatory Authority approvals (if required).
  • Plans & drawings that may be required under EP&A Regulation.
  • Testing & reporting on back-flow prevention devices.
    Automatic Fire Alarm costs – including any false alarm charges.
    Provision of log books, summary records etc.
    Servicing or internal inspection of tanks.
    Servicing of any equipment in a confined space, or any other hazardous area.
    Service regimes greater than annual servicing (i.e 5, 10, 12 & 24 yearly) inspections. These service intervals will be quotes separately when requested.