Smoke Alarm FAQs

We get so many questions about smoke alarms. Where should my alarm be installed? How many alarms should I have? Should they be mains-powered or battery operated? Are they mean to be interconnected?
Smoke Alarms for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

The standard smoke alarm is suitable to wake most mild to moderately hard of hearing people. People who are deaf or have a severe hearing loss however, may have difficulty hearing conventional smoke alarms. There are specialised solutions available.
A resident’s guide to fire doors

Your unit entry doorset is an “essential fire safety measure”. The doorset consists of the fire door leaf, door hardware, the door frame and the fixing to the surrounding fire wall. Under the legislation, your doorset is required to be inspected once a year to verify it meets the performance requirements of AS1905.1 – 2005 and the manufacturers approved specifications. So what is actually being checked?
FRNSW fines for false alarms

The Fire and Rescue NSW ACT 1989, Sect 42 allows FRNSW to charge for attending false alarm call-outs ONLY if the callout is generated from an ASE.
FRNSW does not charge for ANY CALLS made to 000 – even if it turns out to be a false alarm.

The Annual Fire Safety Statement (AFSS) is the ‘final product’ – the culmination of a building undertaking both the required inspections & required repairs to the fire safety systems in a building.